Markdown Cheatsheet
# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6
> blockquote
>> nested blockquote
1. ordered list
2. ordered list
3. ordered list
- unordered List
- unordered List
- unordered List

| Table Header | Table Header |
| ------------ | ------------ |
| Text | Text |
| Text | Text |
code block
Horizontal Rules
How to escape (non-code)
Use backslash (\
) to escape special characters: \
, `
, *
, _
, {
, }
, [
, ]
, <
, >
, (
, )
, #
, +
, -
, .
, !
, |
How to escape backticks in code
To escape the code block, use either ~~~
or ````
(4 backticks).
For example, to properly show the "code block" above, here's what I have in my source code:
code block
... and to properly show the excaped code block above, I need to wrap it around 4 backticks ````
(which cannot be shown on this page and you have to imagine).
... and to properly show backticks in inline code, I need to wrap it around 2 backticks, e.g. this will show one backtick like `
`` ` ``
GitHub flavored markdown (GFM)
Autolink literals, footnotes, strikethrough, tables, and task lists.
By Language
Use unifed
and remark
/ rehype
- remark: an ecosystem around markdown.
- to transform markdown into HTML.
- rehype: an ecosystem around HTML.
- to inspect and change the HTML, e.g. sanitize, minify.
const markdown = await unified()
.process(raw || ''); // raw is the raw markdown text.
// content is the generated HTML.
const content = markdown.toString();
// ...
// render the HTML.
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} />;
MDX is built on top of remark and rehype.