
C++ Keywords - auto

Be precise with use of auto. Knowing that things are constant or that indirections are occurring is very valuable information to readers.

  • auto / const auto
  • auto& / const auto&: a reference to non-const / const
  • auto* / const auto*: when the type is a pointer.

auto For returned unique_ptr

If GetFoo returns unique_ptr<Foo>:

These 2 are equivalent:

  • const auto foo = GetFoo(); (Preferred)
  • const auto& foo = GetFoo();

This does not compile.

  • const auto* foo = GetFoo();

auto* x = y expects that y is a C++ pointer. But std::unique_ptr<T> is just an object that behaves like a pointer and takes care of ownership. Other than that, it is just a regular C++ class, not a regular pointer, like int*.

Do not do:

  • const auto* foo = GetFoo().get();

It destructs the pointer when the statement ends, leaving thing as a dangling pointer.

GetFoo will return a temporary object, you get the pointer to the underlying Foo* and assign it to foo. However as soon as that line is execute, the temporary unique_ptr will be destroyed and the underlying Foo object is freed, so now foo is a dangling pointer to the freed memory.