
How much it costs to run your own server 24/7?

How much money it costs to run your personal computer as a server 24/7?

Assuming a month has 30 days:

24 hours * 30 days = 720 hours

Desktop CPU TDP (Thermal design power) can be 65W, 95W or much higher; assuming total power 400W:

400W * 720h / 1000 = 288kWh

Price: depends on your location. California is expensive, 40 cents to 80 cents per kWh; other states in the US can be 10 cents to 30 cents. If 40 centts / kWh:

288 kWh * $0.5 = $144

Plug in your numbers and compare that with a cloud VM, then decide if it makes sense for you to run you own server.