Kubernetes - Bootstrapping
Last Updated: 2023-02-14
- create a KIND cluster
- use the KIND cluster to bootstrap an admin cluster
- admin cluster manages the control planes for tenant admin cluster
- tenant cluster further manages tenant user clusters
Registry depends on storage, storage depends on registry
- option 1: ordering when setting up the clusters (registry in
with a subset of images) - option 2: kind boostrapping cluster + pivot
Bootstrap the Bootstrapper
Use a machine (or VM) as the bootstrapper, install OS and necessary tools.
Kind Cluster
- Spin up a Kind cluster
- Kind cluster - install Cluster API and other controllers
- Kind cluster - create admin cluster
- Pivot the cluster lifecycle resources into admin cluster
To list kind clusters:
kind get clusters
To delete a cluster by name:
kind delete cluster --name $name
To get kind cluster kubeconfig
kind get kubeconfig --name $name > ~/.kube/config
Pivoting: moving objects from the ephemeral k8s cluster (the Kind cluster) to a target cluster (the newly created admin cluster).
The process:
- Pause any reconciliation of objects.
- Once all the objects are paused, the objects are created on the other side on the target cluster and deleted from the ephemeral cluster.
Delete Kind cluster.
Create User Clusters (If Multi-tenency)
- Admin cluster - create user clusters