Cloud Native
Last Updated: 2024-08-25
Cloud native landscape:
- [CNCF Graduated] Kubernetes
- kubectl
- kubeadm: it cares only about bootstrapping, not about provisioning machines. Likewise, installing various nice-to-have addons, like the Kubernetes Dashboard, monitoring solutions, and cloud-specific addons, is not in scope. Used by other tools like minikube, kind, etc.
kubeadm init
to bootstrap a Kubernetes control-plane nodekubeadm join
to bootstrap a Kubernetes worker node and join it to the clusterkubeadm upgrade
to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster to a newer version; Perform the upgrade of etcd by default.
- kops
- kube-ps1: change bash prompt
export '$(kube-ps1)'$PS1
- kubens: work with namespaces
- k9s:
- krew: a plugin manager, Extend
with plugins. - The KUbernetes Test TooL (kuttl):
Provision Tools
- Metal3: to provision bare metal hosts. Metals -> OpenStack Ironic -> PXE
- The Metal3 baremetal operator watches for BareMetalHost (CRD) objects
- PXE (Preboot Execution Environment) boot: to install a fresh OS on new or malfunctioning computers. On the client side it requires only a PXE-capable network interface controller (NIC), for operating system booting, installation and deployment in data centers.
Artifacts Managments
- [CNCF Graduated] Harbor: container registry. Since version 1.6.0 Harbor is now a composite cloud-native registry which supports both container image management and Helm charts management.
- [CNCF Graduated] Helm: the package manager for k8s. (similar to npm for node.)
Container Runtime
- [CNCF Graduated] containerd
- [CNCF Graduated] cri-o
Storage / Databases
- [CNCF Graduated] etcd: key-value store, used by k8s.
- [CNCF Graduated] Vitess: horizontally scale MySQL
- [CNCF Graduated] TiKV: distributed transactional key-value db, in Rust
- [CNCF Graduated] Rook: orchestrating Ceph on top of k8s; Ceph: a distributed fs.
Logging / Monitoring
- [CNCF Graduated] Prometheus: monitoring
- [CNCF Graduated] Jaeger: tracing
- [CNCF Incubating] OpenTelemetry: tracing. Merging OpenCensus and OpenTracing.
- [CNCF Graduated] Fluentd / Fluentbit: push logs
- Fluentd: written in Ruby, built as a Rube Gem, uses more memory.
- Fluent Bit: written in C, 0 dependencies, much smaller. A CNCF Sub-Project Under The Umbrella Of Fluentd.
- Grafana: view logs
- Grafana Loki: store logs
3 areas: image security, runtime security, policy management.
- [CNCF Graduated] TUF: a framework, various tools implement this spec
- [CNCF Incubating] Notary: an implementation of the TUF spec. Docker uses Notary behind the scenes.
- [CNCF Graduated] OPA: use the same policy language, model, API for all cloud native projects.
- [CNCF Incubating] Falco: container runtime security, parses Linux system calls from the kernel.
Key Management
- [CNCF Graduated] Spiffe
- [CNCF Graduated] Spire
- [CNCF Incubating] CNI: the interface
- Cilium
- Calico
- Flannel
- [CNCF Graduated] CoreDNS
- [CNCF Incubating] Cilium: eBPF-based Networking, Observability, Security.
- [K8S SIG] External DNS: NOT a DNS server itself, but merely configures other DNS providers accordingly, e.g. AWS Route 53 or Google Cloud DNS.
Service Mesh and Proxy
Injects sidecar config into the YAML.
- [CNCF Graduated] Envoy: service proxy, sidecar.
- [CNCF Graduated] Linkerd
- [CNCF Incubating] Istio
- [CNCF Graduated] Argo
- Prow: a Kubernetes-native CI/CD system.
- [CNCF Graduated] flux
VM: KubeVirt
Read: kubevirt
Application Frameworks
- Quarkus: an alternative to spring boot. Java based. Better performance, Container First, kubernetes native, microservice first. Quarkus brings immutability to containers, faster startup, and more predictability.
- [CNCF Incubating] cert-manager is the de facto standard for X.509 certificates in Kubernetes environments.
adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates. - step-ca: an online Certificate Authority (CA) for secure, automated X.509 and SSH certificate management.
- [CNCF Incubating] Knative: serverless.
- [CNCF Incubating] gRPC: RPC framework.
- vcluster:
The Linux Foundation vs CNCF: The Linux Foundation is the parent of CNCF. CNCF is one of the LF’s largest sub-foundations.
Most of these projects are hosted in CNCF; some are directly under LF; some are independent.