
K8s Troubleshooting - "Err:30"

Error: Err:30

map[DriverName:filesystem Enclosed:map[Err:30 Op:mkdir Path:/var/lib/registry/docker/registry/v2/repositories/<project>/<repository>]]

Root cause: Err 30 is -EROFS, error due to writeback to read-only filesystem.


# Get the pod.
POD=$(kubectl get pods -n HARBOR_NAMESPACE -l goharbor.io/operator-controller=registry -o name --kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig)

kubectl --kubeconfig=/path/to/kubeconfig -n HARBOR_NAMESPACE exec $POD -- mount | grep /var/lib/registry

# Check if it is mounted as `ro`.

Solution: try to delete and recreate the pod and check if the volume is attached as rw.