
Python Challenge - Level 24



Load the image:

>>> from PIL import Image
>>> maze = Image.open("maze.png")
>>> w, h = maze.size

Check the top line

>>> for i in range(w): print(maze.getpixel((i, 0)))

There's only one black pixel((0, 0, 0, 255)), others are white((255, 255, 255, 255)) or grey(the upper left corner square with the number of the level), so the entrance point is (w - 2, 0).

Similarly print out the bottom line:

>>> for i in range(w): print(maze.getpixel((i, h - 1)))

there's only one black pixel at (1, h - 1), that would be the exit point.

By printing out the "inner" pixels you may notice that the non-white points all look like (x, 0, 0, 255), where x would vary. That is the data we need to collect.

A BFS would find the shortest path:

from PIL import Image

maze = Image.open("maze.png")
directions = [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)]
white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
w, h = maze.size

next_map = {}

entrance = (w - 2, 0)
exit = (1, h - 1)
queue = [exit]
while queue:
    pos = queue.pop(0)
    if pos == entrance:
    for d in directions:
        tmp = (pos[0] + d[0], pos[1] + d[1])
        if not tmp in next_map and 0 <= tmp[0] < w and 0 <= tmp[1] < h and maze.getpixel(tmp) != white:
            next_map[tmp] = pos

path = []
while pos != exit:
    pos = next_map[pos]

# skipping the 0s

From the zip, a picture with the word "lake".

Next Level
