


Cloud providers are investing in some of the following areas to increase efficiency and profitability:

  • NIC Offload
  • ARM chips
  • Bare Metal Instances
  • GPU / APU / DPU for AI / ML / Data processing.
  • VMware support
  • containerized / serverless

Bare Metal

bare metal = no hypervisor, no vmware; (instead can use KVM or Kubevirt.)

ARM for Servers

  • AWS Graviton
  • Ampere Altra:
    • Customers: Oracle, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, HPE

NIC offload

(NIC based encryption for RPC)


  • integrity, privacy
  • improve RPC performance (QPS, bandwidth and latency)
  • improve disk performance
  • reduce CPU and memory usage
  • reduce power usage for crypto operations

Servers vs Services

Servers are long-lived pieces of software that provide services. A server is a collection of running services. The most common kinds of services: HTTP and RPC request-handling services.

Server Traffic management

  • load balancing
  • load shedding (throttling)
  • RPC client behaviors

Integration Patterns

  • API: contract driven
  • Event Driven
  • Data Stream Driven

What is Serverless

Serverless or Function as a Service (FaaS) describes the idea that the deployment unit is a single function. A function takes input and returns output.

Serverless Manifesto


  • Function are the unit of deployment and scaling.
  • No machines, VMs, or containers visible in the programming model.
  • Permanent storage lives elsewhere.
  • Scales per request; Users cannot over- or under-provision capacity.
  • Never pay for idle (no cold servers/containers or their costs).
  • Implicitly fault-tolerant because functions can run anywhere.
  • BYOC - Bring Your Own Code.
  • Metrics and logging are a universal right.

Why not serverless:

  • Cold-start latency: serverless functions must be instantiated on demand. versus traditionally virtual machines or containers are preprovisioned.
  • Hard to debug and monitor: cannot hop on the server to debug.
  • Cost management: since serverless systems dynamically allocate resources behind the scenes, it is hard to manage cloud resource costs directly.


  • AWS Lambda
  • Google Cloud Functions
  • Webtask
  • Firebase
  • Knative: open source, based on Kubernetes
